Contra w/ Go!diva

„Gerne bisschen härter“ haben wir uns gewünscht, und wir werdens so bekommen! Dieses mal wirds auf der Empore düsteren und wüsten Drum’n’Bass Sound geben. Dafür sorgen Dubisfaction und vier Jungs der Mighty Pressure Crew. Wir freuen uns, dass die Kooperation zustande kommt!

Das aktuelle Line up in der Übersicht:

• GO!DIVA [dj go!diva] (Brood Audio, Inside | Niederlande)
• Niklas Beinghaus x Luedenscheidt (Bretterbude e. V.)
• tba. (Bretterbude)

Freizeichen (Empore): DRUM N BASS / DARK DRUM N BASS
• Dubisfaction
Mighty Pressure Crew mit:
• Der Gammlige Wodka-Joe
• Dj Freemerge
• bassline k
• Mad Merlin Wir freuen uns, dass es nach einer langer Pause mit der CONTRA. weitergeht. Mit @[181817301366:274:dj go!diva] feiert die Partyreihe den Einstand im „Freizeichen“, den neuen Räumlichkeiten von @[119922721354714:274:ArTik Freiburg]. Au zwei Floors erwartet euch folgendes:

♦Auditorium: TECHNO / DARK TECHNO♦

• GO!DIVA (@[139481526082742:274:Brood Audio], @[426054714271313:274:Inside] | Niederlande)

• @[100003109934972:2048:Niklas Beinghaus] b2b @[1398288040440023:274:Luedenscheidt] (@[621544374596578:274:Bretterbude e. V.])

• tba. (Bretterbude)


• @[732601816873227:274:Dubisfaction]

@[1309674959051757:274:Mighty Pressure Crew] mit:
• Der Gammlige Wodka-Joe
• @[336033523077094:274:Dj Freemerge]
• @[1460724700827761:274:bassline k]

GO!DIVA was born in Holland in 1980 and growing up she had a passion for all types of music early on. At the young age of 12, she was exposed to House music and began building her vinyl collection. Shortly after, DJs like Dave Clarke, Jeff Mills, Sven Vath, Richie Hawtin had a profound influence in the type of music that interested her and GO!DIVA’s love for Techno was born. Having respect and interest in all types of electronic music, GO!DIVA’s true and unique interest lies in the darker side of Techno and Minimal.

Although she produced music before it was not until 2009 when she realized that her passion for Techno was more than just a hobby, but her true calling in life. It was at this time when her talent in production started taking shape as well as her DJing career. She got her break in feb. 2010 by signing her first release, `Be Patient` on Lot49! Soon after that more prominent releases on Brood Audio, Pragmatik Recordings, Elektrax, Emote Music, Frucht, Gobsmacked, Gynoid, Unofficial Records Herzschlag, !Organism, Brickwork, Hybrid Confusion, Machine Box, Naked Lunch, The Zone Records, We Call it Hard Records, Italo Business and more followed. As a dj she knows how to rock the crowd.

She likes to build up a set from minimalistic techno to harder techno with dark and bassheavy as key elements. She played at numerous parties and festivals in Europe and Northern America; Tresor (Berlin), Westerunie (ADE, Amsterdam), Circus (Montreal), Petrol Club (Antwerpen), Inox Club (Toulouse), Toy (Stuttgart), The Garage (London) Elektrowerkz (London) , Beach Club (Montreal), Elektrokuche (Koln), MTW-club (Frankfurt), Unsichtbar (Saarbrucken) Acuto Electronic Music Festival (Rome), Airsound Festival (Hungary), FYFWE Festival (Eindhoven) to name a few.

80 people interested
